MATLAB git by command window

I like to put the following function on my path:

function varargout = git(varargin)
% GIT Execute a git command.
% GIT <ARGS>, when executed in command style, executes the git command and
% displays the git outputs at the MATLAB console.
% STATUS = GIT(ARG1, ARG2,...), when executed in functional style, executes
% the git command and returns the output status STATUS.
% [STATUS, CMDOUT] = GIT(ARG1, ARG2,...), when executed in functional
% style, executes the git command and returns the output status STATUS and
% the git output CMDOUT.

% Check output arguments.

% Specify the location of the git executable.
gitexepath = 'C:\path\to\GIT-2.7.0\bin\git.exe';

% Construct the git command.
cmdstr = strjoin([gitexepath, varargin]);

% Execute the git command.
[status, cmdout] = system(cmdstr);

switch nargout
    case 0
    case 1
        varargout{1} = status;
    case 2
        varargout{1} = status;
        varargout{2} = cmdout;

You can then type git commands directly at the command line, without using ! or system. But it has an additional advantage, in that you can also call the git command silently (no output to the command line) and with a status output. This makes it quite convenient if you're creating a script for an automated build, or release process.

You can use the system command line escape ! for git commands within MATLAB. Eg:

!git status
!git commit -am "Commit some stuff from MATLAB CLI"
!git push

You'll need to have Git installed on your system for this to work.


