matplotlib: get text bounding box, independent of backend

Here is my solution/hack. @tcaswell suggested I look at how matplotlib handles saving figures with tight bounding boxes. I found the code for on Github, where it saves the figure to a temporary file object simply in order to get the renderer from the cache. I turned this trick into a little function that uses the built-in method get_renderer() if it exists in the backend, but uses the save method otherwise.

def find_renderer(fig):

    if hasattr(fig.canvas, "get_renderer"):
        #Some backends, such as TkAgg, have the get_renderer method, which 
        #makes this easy.
        renderer = fig.canvas.get_renderer()
        #Other backends do not have the get_renderer method, so we have a work 
        #around to find the renderer.  Print the figure to a temporary file 
        #object, and then grab the renderer that was used.
        #(I stole this trick from the matplotlib 
        #print_figure() method.)
        import io
        renderer = fig._cachedRenderer

Here are the results using find_renderer() with a slightly modified version of the code in my original example. With the TkAgg backend, which has the get_renderer() method, I get:


With the MacOSX backend, which does not have the get_renderer() method, I get:


Obviously, the bounding box using MacOSX backend is not perfect, but it is much better than the red box in my original question.