Maven: assembly-plugin is not run at all
I would recommend to create a uberjar by using the maven-shade-plugin, cause it's intention is exactly that purpose. You can do that with the maven-assembly-plugin as well.
So after taking a look into your pom i understand the problem. First you defined the maven-assembly-plugin in the pluginManagement block which will NOT execute a plugin furthermore you have defined the maven-assembly-plugin as a dependency separately which is superfluous. Which means simply remove the following from your pom:
You should define the maven-assembler-plugin like this:
...all your configuration here..
Furthermore i've seen many repository definition which should be handled by repository manager instead. About the repositories in your pom i can recommend reading the sonatype information furthermore you should think about some else will use the project behind a proxy etc. than he has to change you pom to get i working or can't use it cause you defined repositories in your pom he can't reach.
I had one other view on this problem, that helped me to resolve the %subj%. If you dig the articles about how to make executable jar and jar with dependencies, they usually provide code snippets, that a newbie tries to copy paste to their pom.xml. Those, that do not know much about the actual structure of pom.xml file (aka me) it is quite difficult task. I ended with this (not working) solution:
If you know what pluginManagement does, you would not do the same mistake. But for me it was a big unknown and if you never used parent projects, make sure you do not fall into the same trap. With some adjustments here is a working maven-assembly-plugin setup (with the right context in pom.xml)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<appendAssemblyId>false</appendAssemblyId> <!-- nicer looking jar name -->
I want to offer one more suggestion of an error that I had: My xml looked like this:
Whereas the <executions>
block should be a sibling of the <configuration>
block, not a child. Soon as I fixed that, my plugin started executing within my build again.
Maybe you can use the shade plugin instead (that's the one I use).
Note the dependencies are included in the final JAR.