Maven - Suppress [WARNING] JAR will be empty - no content was marked for inclusion in pom.xml

The warning is actually based on whether it can find the configured <classesDirectory> - by default target\classes.

This means one simple way to bypass the warning is to point it at another deliberately empty directory:


Alternatively, to avoid the need for the empty directory, exclude everything from another directory:


Both solutions suppressed the warning message programmatically.

Solution 1:

<!-- -->
    <!-- Ignore src/main in JAR packaging -->

Solution 2:

Since the above essentially created an empty JAR (and I did not really want to include test classes and test resources), I opted to "skip" the JAR creation instead.

What is the best way to avoid maven-jar?


This is (according to me) the cleanest solution
for projects that don't contain production code but do contain tests:


It indicates what you want:

  • to skip trying to package "no production code" into a jar
  • don't try to install/deploy the non-existing jar

leaving test execution untouched.

Like @John Camerin mentioned it is NOT advised to use <packaging>pom</packaging>
unless the ONLY thing your pom should do is gather dependencies.
Otherwise, if you have tests, they would be skipped without warning, which is not what you want.



