MAX vs Top 1 - which is better?

1) When there is a clustered index on the table and the column to be queried, both the MAX() operator and the query SELECT TOP 1 will have almost identical performance.

2) When there is no clustered index on the table and the column to be queried, the MAX() operator offers the better performance.


They are different queries.

The first one returns many records (the biggest a_date for each event_id found within a_primary_key = 5)

The second one returns one record (the smallest a_date found within a_primary_key = 5).

Performance is generally similar, if your table is indexed.

Worth considering though: Top usually only makes sense if you're ordering your results (otherwise, top of what?)

Ordering a result requires more processing.

Min doesn't always require ordering. (Just depends, but often you don't need order by or group by, etc.)

In your two examples, I'd expect speed / x-plan to be very similar. You can always turn to your stats to make sure, but I doubt the difference would be significant.