Meaning of symbols in the Debug area from Xcode

I could only find a list of the variable types from Ken Orr's "Debugging with Xcode" WWDC 2012 presentation slides (Session 412). You may, or may not, have access to these slides.

  • L: Local Variable
  • A: Argument
  • S: Static Variable
  • V: Global Variable (Darker)
  • R: Register
  • V: Instance Variable (Lighter)
  • E: Expression

Note: I cannot be more specific about the different colours of the 'V' variables as I am colour-blind. Boo hoo, poor me. Perhaps you can tell me?

enter image description here

Apple developers must have added it to the docs after this question was asked, as it is in the docs

There are actually only 6 labels, L, A, S, V, R, E, where V is shared between Global and instance variables. At least now, they are exactly the same colour.

Screenshot of label names.