Measure Android app startup time
Check in adb shell in below manner.
adb shell
adb logcat -b events | grep am_activity_launch_time
01-01 12:32:53.469 1236 1262 I am_activity_launch_time:
Launch time for Clock is 378ms.
I understand I am too late to answer, nonetheless, this precisely answers the question.
This information gets logged on Logcat by default for API version 19 or higher.
From Android 4.4 (API level 19), logcat includes an output line containing a value called Displayed. This value represents the amount of time elapsed between launching the process and finishing drawing the corresponding activity on the screen.
ActivityManager: Displayed +3s534ms
The key is looking for it in the right place -
If you’re tracking logcat output from the command line, or in a terminal, finding the elapsed time is straightforward. To find elapsed time in Android Studio, you must disable filters in your logcat view. Disabling the filters is necessary because the system server, not the app itself, serves this log.
The extracts are from the documentation.
I'm going to interpret your question as 'Is my app startup time fast enough. How can I check I have done everything I can do?'
The startup time is largely a false metric as it will vary across devices and ROMs. I guess what you're most likely to be interested in is how much of your code is taking a long time to execute and what is potentially blocking the main thread.
I've found the most effective way of doing this is to use Traceview on the app start and then reviewing how long it takes the method to execute and if there are any gaps on the main thread.
Start tracing:
public class MyApplication extends Application {
public void onCreate() {
Stop tracing:
public void onViewCreated(final View view, final Bundle savedInstanceState) {
super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState);
Once the trace has been collected, you should be able to see anything that is having a major impact on startup time. In my case, seen below, there was a big gap on the UI thread where is was being blocked.
It transpired that both Crashlytics and Coremetrics were requiring a call to randomUUID()
which was then being synchronized across threads and blocking the main thread. The solution was just to spin up a new thread to initialise the Coremetrics code.
This is something I would not have otherwise picked up with just measuring the startup time, but it actually sped up the app 'startup time' by a few hundred milliseconds.
Here's another snapshot after spinning off a separate thread for Coremetrics initialisation: