Memory fragmentation

As per ISO/IEC 9899:201x -> 7.22.3

The order and contiguity of storage allocated by successive calls to the aligned_alloc, calloc, malloc, and realloc functions is unspecified.

A good memory manager will be able to tackle the issue to an extent. However, there are other aspects like data alignment [1] which causes internal fragmentation.

What you could do if you rely on inbuilt memory management?

  1. Use a profiler - say valgrind - with memory check option to find the memory which is not freed after use. Example:

     valgrind --leak-check=yes myprog arg1 arg2
  2. Follow good practices. Example - In C++, if you intend others to inherit from your polymorphic class, you may declare its destructor virtual.

  3. Use smart pointers.


  1. Internal fragmentation.

  2. If you were to use your own memory management system, you may consider Boehm-Demers-Weiser garbage collector.

  3. Valgrind Instrumentation Framework.

  4. Memory not freed after use will contribute to fragmentation.

No, there is no guarantee. According to N1570, 7.22.3 Memory management functions:

The order and contiguity of storage allocated by successive calls to the aligned_alloc, calloc, malloc, and realloc functions is unspecified.

Anyway, you have two choices to choose from:

  1. Totally trust the library memory management functions.
  2. Write you own memory managers, if you're really confident.

If I were you, I would definitely trust the existing functions, because modern implementations are super smart.