Mendelian Inheritence Chart

Impossible to see a tree and not to give an option using the powerful forest package:




for tree={
edge path={
      (!u.parent anchor) -- +(0,-15pt) -|   
      (.child anchor)\forestoption{edge label};
      [\YY\YY,name=level3] [\YY\YY] [\YY\YY] [\YY\YY]
      [\YY\YY] [\YY\GG] [\YY\GG] [\GG\GG]
      [\YY\YY] [\YY\GG] [\YY\GG] [\GG\GG]
      [\GG\GG] [\GG\GG] [\GG\GG] [\GG\GG]
\draw (root) -- ++(-15pt,0) node[anchor=east] {\YY\YY};
\draw (root) -- ++(15pt,0) node[anchor=west] {\GG\GG};
\foreach \Nodo/\Nombre in 
  {root/{parent generation},level1/{f1 generation},level2/{f2 generation}}
  \node[anchor=west] at ([xshift=15pt]level2|-\Nodo) {\Nombre};
\node[anchor=north west,inner sep=0pt] at (level3|-0,0)
    \YY & yellow allele \\
    \GG & green allele


enter image description here

Explnatory comments

In a comment it has been requested to suppress all not essential information (labels and colors) and show some of the steps of the tree formation.

We start with a tree having empty root and four children and make some step by step changes



\begin{forest}% just an empty root with four children using the default settings
\begin{forest}% we declare the root as a ''coordinate'', so it takes no space
\begin{forest}% we change the shape for the edges to a ''fork'' shape and name the root for later use
for tree={
edge path={
      (!u.parent anchor) -- +(0,-15pt) -|   
      (.child anchor)\forestoption{edge label};


enter image description here

Now we add some more children and the two nodes to the side of the root



for tree={
edge path={
      (!u.parent anchor) -- +(0,-15pt) -|   
      (.child anchor)\forestoption{edge label};
[,shape=coordinate,name=root %  root with empty content; the shape is coordinate so it takes no space; we just give it a name for later use
 % we use the name for the root here
\draw (root) -- ++(-15pt,0) node[anchor=east] {YY};
\draw (root) -- ++(15pt,0) node[anchor=west] {GG};
for tree={
edge path={
      (!u.parent anchor) -- +(0,-15pt) -|   
      (.child anchor)\forestoption{edge label};
[,shape=coordinate,name=root %  root with empty content; the shape is coordinate so it takes no space; we just give it a name for later use
  [YG [YY] [YG] [YG] [GG] ]
 % we use the name for the root here
\draw (root) -- ++(-15pt,0) node[anchor=east] {YY};
\draw (root) -- ++(15pt,0) node[anchor=west] {GG};


enter image description here

This part

edge path={
      (!u.parent anchor) -- +(0,-15pt) -|   
      (.child anchor)\forestoption{edge label};

just prescribes how the shape for the path connecting a node and its children will look like (the default is just a straight line, but here we need a "fork" shape); in this answer to Understanding forest options when customising trees I explained the syntax used in a similar case.

enter image description here



    \draw (-1.5,0) -- (1.5,0)
        node[pos=0,below=5pt] (\theM1) {#2}
        node[pos=.333,below=5pt] (\theM2) {#3}
        node[pos=.5,coordinate] (\theM3) {}
        node[pos=.666,below=5pt] (\theM4) {#4}
        node[pos=1,below=5pt] (\theM5) {#5} ;
    \foreach \i in {0,...,3} {\draw (-1.5+\i,0)--(-1.5+\i,-5pt); }  




\draw (-.5,0) node[left] {\Y} -- (.5,0) node[right] {\G} ;
\node[right] at (3,0) {parent generation};

\draw (0,0)--(03) ;
\node[right] at (3,1.5) {$f_1$ generation};

\draw (02)--(13) ;
\node[right] at (3,3) {$f_2$ generation};

    \draw (11.south)--(23) ;
    \draw (12.south)--(33) ;
\Mend[shift={( 2,1)}]{\Y\G}{\Y\G}{\Y\G}{\Y\G}
    \draw (14.south)--(43) ;
\Mend[shift={( 6,1)}]{\G\G}{\G\G}{\G\G}{\G\G}
    \draw (15.south)--(53) ;


\node[right] at (-7,1) {\Y\ = yellow allele};
\node[right] at (-7,2) {\G\ = green allele};


Use of tikz tree

enter image description here


    community_label_style/.style= {font=\sffamily\Large\bfseries,minimum size=0.7cm,text height=1.5ex,text depth=.25ex,},
    edge from parent fork down,
    level 1/.style={sibling distance = 2cm, level distance =2cm},
    level 2/.style={sibling distance=2cm},
    level 3/.style={sibling distance=4.5cm},
    level 4/.style={sibling distance=1cm},

\begin{tikzpicture}[ultra thick,]
child[] {node[community_label_style] (p)  {$\Y\Y\G\G$} 
     child[]{node[community_label_style] (f1) {$\Y\G$}}  %1
     child[]{node[community_label_style] ( ) {$\Y\G$}    %1
            child[]{node[community_label_style] (v1) {$\Y\Y$}
                    child[]{node[community_label_style] (a) {$\Y\Y$}}
                    child[]{node[community_label_style] (b) {$\Y\Y$}}
                    child[]{node[community_label_style] (c) {$\Y\Y$}}
                    child[]{node[community_label_style] (d) {$\Y\Y$}}
            child[]{node[community_label_style] (v2) {$\Y\G$}
                    child[]{node[community_label_style] (a) {$\Y\Y$}}
                    child[]{node[community_label_style] (b) {$\Y\G$}}
                    child[]{node[community_label_style] (c) {$\Y\G$}}           
                    child[]{node[community_label_style] (f2){$\G\G$}}
            child[]{node[community_label_style] (v3) {$\Y\G$}
                    child[]{node[community_label_style] (a) {$\Y\Y$}}          
                    child[]{node[community_label_style] (b) {$\Y\G$}}
                    child[]{node[community_label_style] (c) {$\Y\G$}}        
                    child[]{node[community_label_style] (d) {$\G\G$}}
            child[]{node[community_label_style] (f2) {$\G\G$}
                    child[]{node[community_label_style] (a) {$\Y\Y$}}         
                    child[]{node[community_label_style] (f1){$\Y\G$}}
                    child[]{node[community_label_style] (c) {$\Y\G$}}         
                    child[]{node[community_label_style] (d) {$\G\G$}}
     child[]{node[community_label_style] (v5) {$\Y\G$}}  %1
     child[]{node[community_label_style] (f1) {$\Y\G$}}  %1
\node[right=1cm of p](){parent generation};
\node[left=2.5cm of p](y){{\Y}=yellow allele };
\node[below=0.5cm of y](){{\G}=green allele};
\node[right=1cm of f1](){f1  generation};
\node[right=1cm of f2](){f2  generation};
