Merge arrays to one array after filtering

Can also solve using the Reduce function from Array.prototype.

var newResults = results.reduce(function(acc, curr) {
    return acc.concat(curr.locations)

hope this helps

You don't need filter here. Just use map method by passing a callback provided function which is applied for every item on the array.

let results = [{ id: '1', locations: ['aaaa', 'bbbbbb', 'cccccc'] }, { id: '2', locations: [] }, { id: '3', locations: ['ddd', 'aaadsad', 'sefd'] }, { id: '4', locations: ['ffff', 'eeee', 'sfdsfsd'] }, ];

const locationIds = [].concat( => s.locations));


You could taka a Array#flatMap with the wanted property. If the property is not given, add a default array || [].

let results = [{ id: '1', locations: ['aaaa', 'bbbbbb', 'cccccc'] }, { id: '2', locations: [] }, { id: '3', locations: ['ddd', 'aaadsad', 'sefd'] }, { id: '4', locations: ['ffff', 'eeee', 'sfdsfsd'] }],
    locationIds = results.flatMap(({ locations }) => locations);

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You can try with flatMap():

The flatMap() method first maps each element using a mapping function, then flattens the result into a new array. It is identical to a map() followed by a flat() of depth 1, but flatMap() is often quite useful, as merging both into one method is slightly more efficient.

let results = [{
    id: '1',
    locations: ['aaaa', 'bbbbbb', 'cccccc']
    id: '2',
    locations: []
    id: '3',
    locations: ['ddd', 'aaadsad', 'sefd']
    id: '4',
    locations: ['ffff', 'eeee', 'sfdsfsd']
const locationIds = results.flatMap(i => i.locations);