Merge rows in tibble

We can replace blank with NA values, use fill to replace NA with previous value in Function column, group_by Function and create one concatenated string for each Function.


package_info_tbl %>%
  na_if('') %>%
  tidyr::fill(Function)  %>%
  group_by(Function) %>%
  summarise(Title = paste(Title, collapse = " "))

# A tibble: 12 x 2
#   Function   Title                                                
#   <chr>      <chr>                                                
# 1 [[.fseq    Extract function(s) from a functional sequence.      
# 2 %<>%       magrittr compound assignment pipe-operator           
# 3 %>%        magrittr forward-pipe operator                       
# 4 %$%        magrittr exposition pipe-operator                    
# 5 %T>%       magrittr tee operator                                
# 6 debug_fseq Debugging function for functional sequences.         
# 7 debug_pipe Debugging function for magrittr pipelines.           
# 8 extract    Aliases                                              
# 9 freduce    Apply a list of functions sequentially               
#10 functions  Extract the function list from a functional sequence.
#11 magrittr   magrittr - Ceci n'est pas un pipe                    
#12 print.fseq Print method for functional sequence.