Merge split terminal tab back into one terminal

I don't think that's possible.

What you can do: create a new tab in the window that you want to merge into the first one, then choose the first tab and drag it to that window and close the other window.

The process would look like:

[window] → [[tab][tab]] → [window] [window] → [window] [[tab][tab]] → [[tab][tab]] [window] → [[tab][tab]].

Confused? - Here is a clip showing the process. ;-)

This might be an old thread but Im adding this incase someone stumbles onto this thread looking for the answer.

  1. Add a new empty tab to the terminal you want to move.
  2. Grab the tab of the terminal you want to move, and drag it to the terminal window you want this terminal in.
  3. Delete the previous terminal window
  4. you should now have the terminals merged back into one

Re @greg-kramida's comment on the accepted answer, the gnome-terminal Gitlab says this feature was "disabled in commit 10e164d8 due to an underlying GTK+ bug sometimes causing a crash[...]. We'd be more than happy to re-enable it once that bug is fixed." ("That bug" is still open, but the gnome-terminal bug was closed.)

There appears to be a patch for gnome-terminal in the Debian version of the report but I haven't tried to apply it.