Merging kotlin flows

I'm not too familiar with flows yet, so this might be suboptimal. Anyway, I think you could create a flow of all your input flows, and then use flattenMerge to flatten them into a single flow again. Something like this:

fun <T> merge(vararg flows: Flow<T>): Flow<T> = flowOf(*flows).flattenMerge()


The merge-function was added to kotlinx-coroutines in the 1.3.3 release. See here:

This is now (Coroutines Version 1.3.5 at time of writing) part of the Coroutines library.

You use it like this:

val flowA = flow { emit(1) } 
val flowB = flow { emit(2) }

merge(flowA, flowB).collect{ println(it) } // Prints two integers
// or:
listOf(flowA, flowB).merge().collect { println(it) } // Prints two integers

You can read more in the source code

It may be late but I believe this may be a viable solution:

fun <T> combineMerge(vararg flows: Flow<T>) = flow {
    coroutineScope {
        flows.forEach {
            launch {
                it.collect {

fun <T> combineConcat(vararg flows: Flow<T>) = flow {
    flows.forEach {
        it.collect {