Microsoft VPC IE image expiration

I'm using a fairly old image that expired a while ago. It tends to run for a while and then giving a message about being expired, and then again in about an hour it resets itself. If your version does the same, I'd say it's not a problem really, just restart and off you go.

As far as I know all VPC images have an expiration date of some sort. So, when they expire, they start rebooting every 2 hours, but other than that they work fine. A message pops up after an hour or work, which means you have another hour left. To work a little longer, you can pause the VPC (Action -> Pause) each time you don't need it for a while.

When the MOSS 2007 VHD that I was using for a while expired, I think it took them a month or so to put out a new one.

As for testing for IE 6/7/8, check out Expression Web SuperPreview - it's pretty cool. More detailed description here.