Migrate html helpers to ASP.NET Core

I have successfully converted ASP.NET MVC Razor Helpers to Function Directives in .NET CORE 3.1 as an example shown below:

E.g. ASP.NET MVC 5 @helper syntax:


@helper RenderHello() {

Equivalent ASP.NET CORE 3.1 @functions directive syntax:


@functions {
    private void RenderHello()

Razor Function Directives

So, seems there are only three options:

  • tag helpers
  • partials
  • view components

So no simple way to migrate Razor snippets, without jumping through hoops.


So looks like html helpers are available after all. They just haven't been properly documented!

Personally I think this approach is cleaner for small in-page snippets:


[...] One of those things is a more formal replacement for the Razor helper. You can now include HTML markup in the body of a method declared in a code block as a local method as previously, or in an @functions block. The method should return void, or Task if it requires asynchronous processing. Here is how the list helper is written in ASP.NET Core 3:

    void Template(string[] listItems, string style) 
        foreach (var listItem in listItems)
            <li class="@style">@listItem</li>

and place it like this:

@{ Template(new[] { "A","B","C" },  "pretty" ); }

@helper directive is removed, but if you may consider using Func<dynamic, IHtmlContent> you are migrating a legacy code. Here is an example:

    Func<dynamic, IHtmlContent> BrowserInfo(string btitle, string href, string imgfilename) =>
        @<div style="text-align: center">
            <a href="@href">
                <img src="~/content/images/browsers/@imgfilename" alt="@btitle"/>@btitle</a>

And use it just like old helper methods:

@BrowserInfo("Google Chrome", "http://www.google.com/chrome/", "browser_chrome.gif")(null)