min max python code example

Example 1: python maths max value capped at x

def clamp(n, minn, maxn):
    return max(min(maxn, n), minn)

Example 2: python get min from array

>>> arr = [1, 3.14159, 1e100, -2.71828]
>>> min(arr)

Example 3: min() python

x = min(1, 2) #Sets the value of x to 1

Example 4: min max code in python

listA = [18, 19, 21, 22]
print('The smallest number from listA is:', min(listA))  	# 18
print('The largest number from listA is:', max(listA))		# 22

strA = 'AppDividend'
print('The smallest character from strA is:', min(strA))	# A
print('The largest character from strA is:', max(strA))		# v

strA = 'AppDividend'
strB = 'Facebook'
strC = 'Amazon'
print('The smallest string is:', min(strA, strB, strC))		# Amazon
print('The largest string is:', max(strA, strB, strC))		# Facebook

Example 5: MIn-Max problem in python

x = sum(arr)

minValue = x - max(arr)
maxValue = x - min(arr)

print(minValue, maxValue)