Minor editorial error during minor revision. Should I notify the editor or just correct it?
Take option #1, correct it now and notify the editor. The decision letter did say "do not make additional changes", but that is almost certainly referring to changes that will need to be peer reviewed. This kind of minor change that no reasonable person will disagree with is not a problem.
If you're still worried, you can also do #3.
Forgive me for being condescending - You seem to be experiencing symptoms of anxiety.
What you need to do is:
- Take some slow, deep breaths.
- Go some place with a wide vista, like a hill or something, and soak in the feeling of being on top of things.
- Relax! Life is good - your paper was accepted.
- Option no. 1 of course, and don't sweat it.
- Did I mention taking deep breaths? Do that as much as possible.