Missing accessibility label: in Android Studio Warning

I had I same problem. I fix it like this

Use @String/example for name your method Follow these steps

  • Go to Res>Values>Stings.xmladd a string like this

     Enter Number 1
    • and go to your Text or button Attributes and replace text use String


    if required asking of hind just add this code with your hint


You can also add lint.xml file in the src (source) folder of your project:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <issue id="ContentDescription" severity="ignore" />

Or inside of ImageView or xml element you can also add:


Depending on what kind of widget you get this error on, you can choose a suitable label for it so that it will be "more" accessible.

For example, I have an AutoCompleteTextView, which has no Hint/text, etc. so it is not easy for everyone to notice it, therefore I add a hint like "enter your text here" which works as "HEY I AM HERE, COME Use me!"

You can add a text like android:text="@string/default_lat",

hint like android:hint="@string/SomeHint"

or label like android:labelFor="SomeLabel"

For more information click this

Just add


in your xml.