Missing file warnings showing up after upgrade to Xcode 4

In XCode 4.2.+ (possibly in 4+) you can avoid manual work and command line :

  1. Select project Project Navigator (Command - 1)
  2. Choose File - Source Control - Commit menu
  3. In the left pane, on top of it you have three icons, select the middle one - File view
  4. You will see the list of all missing files
  5. Select all of them and right-click - Discard changes. This will restore all deleted files from the SVN server and place them in your local SVN folder
  6. Drag and drop those files into the XCode project (Choose Sort-Date Modified in Finder to easily find them)
  7. Delete those files properly through XCode (select files and choose right-click Delete)
  8. Commit the project

And that's it :)

All those nasty warnings are gone!

Additionally for Xcode 6+: After selecting the file view 'middle icon' - you can click the checkbox to the left and this will mark them as deleted for SVN when you next commit!

These solutions are way too difficult. The problem is that you have removed the project from filesystem but SVN still thinks they are there. Detaching project from SVN will work, the same for removing .svn folders BUT that is going to destroy your repository!

It is much easier to open console, browse to your folder ("cd /pathToYourFolder") and type the following command:

svn delete nameOfMissingFile

If the name of your missing file includes the @ character (eg: retina-specific artwork), ensure the file name terminates with the @ symbol:

svn delete [email protected]@

For GIT repositories:

git rm nameOfMissingFile

It has something to do with .svn hidden folders in your project.

I solved this issue by detaching the project from svn.

a. Open terminal and type the following commands:

defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles TRUE

killall Finder

This will allow you to view the .svn folders inside your project

b. Delete every .svn folder in your project folders/subfolders

c. Re-enable hidden files:

defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles FALSE

killall Finder

d. Now your project is detached from svn and you no longer get build issues.

e. Re-add your project to svn or whatever.

I'm a beginner myself and this was my way of dealing with that issue, so I'm not sure this is the best way to go. Anyway, the problem was solved.

In Xcode5 & Xcode6, below steps worked for me

Xcode -> Preferences -> Source Control -> uncheck Enable Source Control


Xcode -> Preferences -> Source Control -> check Enable Source Control



