Missing Odd Numbers

Ruby, 74

s="insert your numbers here" # this line not counted per the rules
n=s.split.map &:to_i
puts (n.min..n.max).select{|x|x%2==1&&!n.index(x)}*?,

Output is identical to examples in question except that it outputs a blank line for no numbers found.

Python, 82 chars

R=','.join(`x`for x in range(min(N)|1,max(N),2)if x not in N)

Set I to your input string, R is the output string.

GolfScript (20 chars)


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~]$   # Eval the string, wrap the resulting integers in an array, sort
),    # Extract the max and make an array A of 0 to max-1 inclusive
\(),  # Extract the min and make an array B of 0 to min inclusive
+-    # Combine B with the remaining numbers from the input and remove them from A
{1&}, # Filter A to odd numbers
','*  # Comma-separate