Mixing Objective C ,(*.m , *.mm & .c /.cpp ) files
I found it imposible to use any Objective-c in the C++ header files.
However, you can include Objective-c in the implementation files.
(.mm or you can set how to interpret .cpp files in the info of the file. Choose Info->General:FileType:Sourcecode.cpp.objcpp )
class objcClass;
objcClass* mMemberVariable;
#import "objcClass.h";
void cppFunction(){
[objcClass message];
in the cpp header file.
Then include the header that defines the class in the .cpp or .mm file.
If you have a .cpp file with C++ code that needs to use Objective-C as well, either rename that .cpp file to .mm or pass -x objective-c++
to the compiler.