Mock entire python class

First it is very important to understand that you always need to Mock where it the thing you are trying to mock out is used as stated in the unittest.mock documentation.

The basic principle is that you patch where an object is looked up, which is not necessarily the same place as where it is defined.

Next what you would need to do is to return a MagicMock instance as return_value of the patched object. So to summarize this you would need to use the following sequence.

  • Patch Object
  • prepare MagicMock to be used
  • return the MagicMock we've just created as return_value

Here a quick example of a project. (Class we would like to Mock)

class Connection(object):                                                        
    def execute(self):                                                           
        return "Connection to server made" (Where the Class is used)

from project.connection import Connection                                        

class FileRemoveOp(object):                                                      
    def __init__(self, foo):                                                     = foo                                                           

    def execute(self):                                                           
        conn = Connection()                                                      
        result = conn.execute()                                                  
        return result    


import unittest                                                                  
from unittest.mock import patch, MagicMock                                       
from project.file import FileRemoveOp                                            

class TestFileRemoveOp(unittest.TestCase):                                       
    def setUp(self):                                                             
        self.fileremoveop = FileRemoveOp('foobar')                               

    def test_execute(self, connection_mock):
        # Create a new MagickMock instance which will be the
        # `return_value` of our patched object                                     
        connection_instance = MagicMock()                                        
        connection_instance.execute.return_value = "testing"

        # Return the above created `connection_instance`                     
        connection_mock.return_value = connection_instance                       

        result = self.fileremoveop.execute()                                     
        expected = "testing"                                                     
        self.assertEqual(result, expected)                                       

    def test_not_mocked(self):
        # No mocking involved will execute the `Connection.execute` method                                                   
        result = self.fileremoveop.execute()                                     
        expected = "Connection to server made"                                   
        self.assertEqual(result, expected)