Module file's deployment target is ios9.0 v9.0 with Xcode 7 / Swift 2

Same, in my case

Selected TARGETS,

then go to "Build Settings"

Search for "iOS Deployment target” in search bar

Changed it from iOS 8.2 to 9.0 - in all


In case you have to support older versions and you don't have the option to just upgrade the deployment target of your project to required version, try downgrade it in a pod itself:

  1. Select Pods project in Project Navigator
  2. Go through every pod in TARGETS list and change its Deployment Target to the version you need
  3. Clean and Build your project

Worked for me. show snapshot from Xcode

For me, wiping out DerivedData fixed the issue. It seems that clean does not wipe out swiftmodule files.

rm -rf ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData