MongoDB in Go (golang) with mgo: How do I update a record, find out if update was successful and get the data in a single atomic operation?

This is an old question, but just in case someone is still watching at home, this is nicely supported via the Query.Apply method. It does run the findAndModify command as indicated in another answer, but it's conveniently hidden behind Go goodness.

The example in the documentation matches pretty much exactly the question here:

change := mgo.Change{
        Update: bson.M{"$inc": bson.M{"n": 1}},
        ReturnNew: true,
info, err = col.Find(M{"_id": id}).Apply(change, &doc)

The MongoDB guys describe a similar scenario in the official documentation:

Basically, all you have to do, is to fetch any job with assignee=null. Let's suppose you get the job with the _id=42 back. You can then go ahead and modify the document locally, by setting assignee="" and call Collection.Update() with the selector {_id=42, assignee=null} and your updated document. If the database is still able to find a document that matches this selector, it will replace the document atomically. Otherwise you will get a ErrNotFound, indicating that another thread has already claimed the task. If that's the case, try again.

I hope you saw the comments on the answer you selected, but that approach is incorrect. Doing a select and then update will result in a round trip and two machines and be fetching for the same job before one of them can update the assignee. You need to use the findAndModify method instead:



