MongoDB shell's db.stats() in php and python

This is how you do it in Python if you are using the PyMongo driver:

connection = pymongo.Connection(host = "", port = 27017)
db = connection["test_db"]
test_collection = db["test_collection"]
db.command("dbstats") # prints database stats for "test_db"
db.command("collstats", "test_collection") # prints collection-level stats for "test_collection" under "test_db".  


  • db.command()
  • MongoDB: how to get db.stats() from API

  • This is how you do it in PHP

    $con= new Mongo()
    $stats=$con->dbName->command(array('dbStats' => 1));  // for db.stats()
    $stats=$con->dbName->command(array('collStats' => 'collection_name')); // for db.collection_name.stats()

    But how to do this in python?