Mongoose greater than and equal method is the same as using "greater than" operator.

In your case, you have to use gte method that returns exactly what you need - results that are greater or equal to given value:

let x = 89;

Also, as another answer mentioned, you can always use native MongoDB operator $gte, however Mongoose offers more intuitive approach with its chaining Query API, as above.

Also, if you're using Mongoose with Promises or async/await, don't forget to add exec() at the end - this will convert thenable-compatible Query result to a fully featured Promise, e.g.:

let x = 89;
  .then(() => {/* rest of handling*/})
  .catch(() => { /* error handling */});

The same code using async/await:

async function getResultsGreaterThan(x) {
  const results = await find().where('marks').gte(x).exec();
  return results;


More on Mongoose chainable Query API can be found in rather solid official docs

I don't know what version of mongodb you are using. But this is what available in the latest releases.

$gte selects the documents where the value of the field is greater than or equal to (i.e. >=) a specified value

query.find( { marks: { $gte: 89} } )


Simply use


for greater than equal to and


for less than equal to.

Remember upperlimit and lowerlimit should be numeric.