Monitor a change in the property of a Telerik ScheduleView control in WPF

I know of one way ... DispatcherTimer

Wow avoid that :) INotifyPropertyChange interface is your friend. See the msdn for samples.

You basically fire an event(usually called onPropertyChanged) on the Setter of your properties and the subscribers handle it.

an example implementation from the msdn goes:

// This is a simple customer class that 
// implements the IPropertyChange interface.
public class DemoCustomer  : INotifyPropertyChanged
    public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;    
    private void NotifyPropertyChanged(String info)
        if (PropertyChanged != null)
          PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(info));            

    public string CustomerName
            if (value != this.customerNameValue)
                this.customerNameValue = value;

Leverage the INotifyPropertyChanged interface implementation of the control.

If the control is called myScheduleView:

//subscribe to the event (usually added via the designer, in fairness)
myScheduleView.PropertyChanged += new PropertyChangedEventHandler(

private void myScheduleView_PropertyChanged(Object sender,
  PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
  if(e.PropertyName == "HorizontalOffset" ||
     e.PropertyName == "VerticalOffset")
    //TODO: something