Monitor MySQL inserts from different application

I think you could acheive something like this fairly easily, assuming you didn't mind a creating some extra tables & triggers on your database, and that the monitoring java application would have to poll the database rather than specifically receive triggers.

Assuming the table you're wanting to monitor is something like this:


Then you create a table to track the changes, and a trigger that populates that table:

CREATE TABLE InsertedRecords( value TEXT );
FOR EACH ROW INSERT INTO InsertedRecords( value ) VALUES ( NEW.value );

This will cause the InsertedRecords table to be populated with every insert that happens in ToMonitor.

Then you just need to set up your monitoring app to periodically SELECT * from InsertedRecords, take the appropriate action and then clear out the records from InsertedRecords

EDIT: A slight alternative, if you didn't mind a bit of C/C++ coding, would be to follow the instructions here to create a custom SQL function that triggered your monitoring application into action, and then just call that SQL function from within the trigger you'd created.

You can read mysql binary log. Here you can find some information. There is a java parser and another one - but it is marked as unfinished) also you can look for similar parsers using another languages (for example, perl) and rewrite them in Java.
Also have a look at mysql-proxy.

I know it's not what you asked (thus, this is not a proper answer), but if you consider dropping the idea of "letting the DB notify the apps", you get the perfect case for using JMS for communication between apps.

Your app originating the change could publish a message to a JMS topic, which is subscribed by the second application. Once the first changes the database, it puts a message on the topic. The second then sees this new event and act accordingly. You could even publish the delta in the message, so that the second app don't need to reach the database.

I'm a bit against dealing with this by "hacking" the database to do more than just store data, as it will innevitably get into trouble in the future (as everything eventually will), and debugging it will be hard. Imagine adding a third app the the ecosystem, and you have now to replicate whatever you did for the second app, but now for the third app. If you didn't document your steps, you might get lost.

If you just use a JMS server between those two apps, you can certainly add a third app in the future, that just listens to this topic (and publish a new message, in case it has write access to the db), and the other apps don't even have to know that there's one more app out there. Nor the database.