more elegant way to write if( list.nonEmpty) Some(list.max) else None?

You can convert a Try into an Option:


You can also use reduceOption (as given in scala - Min/max with Option[T] for possibly empty Seq?):

l.reduceOption(_ max _)

Or write your own:

implicit class WithMaxOption[T: Ordering](self: Seq[T]) {
  def maxOption() = if(self.isEmpty) None else Some(self.max)

List(1,2,3).maxOption  // Some(3)
List[Int]().maxOption  // None

Starting in Scala 2.13, minOption/maxOption are now part of the standard library:

List(34, 11, 98, 56, 43).maxOption // Option[Int] = Some(98)
List[Int]().maxOption              // Option[Int] = None