Move Laravel 5 Eloquent models into its own directory

Add "app/models" to composer.json's classmap autoload section

"autoload": {
    "classmap": [

Solution for Laravel 5.6+

1. Move the files to the new directory

Say you want to move the models to app/Models

2. Change the namespace of the models

For each model change :

namespace App;


namespace App\Models;

3. Change the references in other files

Check these files and search especially app\User

  • app/Http/Controllers/Auth/RegisterController.php
  • config/auth.php
  • config/services.php
  • database/factories/ModelFactory.php
  • database/factories/UserFactory.php
  • Your Controllers

And change App/ModelExample to App/Models/ModelExample

4. Autoload files

Run composer dump-autoload

5. Congratulations!

Just create a folder named Models and move your files into it. After that, change the namespace of the models from just App to App\Models (update the usages as well) and run composer dump-autoload.

Afer moving all files in the models folder. What you need to do is run:

composer dump-autoload

This worked for me. :)