Sharepoint - Move list from root site to subsite

You're almost there, the next step is to

  • create a new list
  • choose the template you saved
  • after list created delete the template from the library.

Full tutorial (this is talking about between SharePoint servers, but its the same process between siets) [Broken link replaced with archive]

Other ways include

  • If it a simple list you can perhaps use the DataSheet view to copy and paste the data to the new list if you've already setup the structure.

  • You can copy lists with SharePoint Designer IIRC.

  • You can also look at the STSADM gl-exportlist and gm-importlist extensions.

Instead of exporting as a template, rather use the Sharepoint Backup Tools.

Browse to http://YOURCENTRALADMINURL:portnr/backups.aspx

Click "Export a site or list"

Select the List you want to backup.

Import into correct location using : Import-SPWeb http://site -Path export.cmp

Please check these technet documents

Export list:

Import list:

Sample Export:

Export-SPWeb -Identity http://site -Path c:\export.cmp -IncludeUserSecurity -IncludeVersions All -ItemUrl /lists/mylistname

Sample Import (path to subsite, list path will come out of the export):

Import-SPWeb http://site/subsite –Path c:\export.cmp –UpdateVersions -Overwrite -IncludeUserSecurity