Move pane to a new window in tmux

Relevant tmux Commands

  • join-pane -s
  • join-pane -t
  • break-pane


You could add the following bindings to your ~/.tmux.conf:

## Join windows: <prefix> s, <prefix> j
bind-key j command-prompt -p "join pane from:"  "join-pane -s '%%'"
bind-key s command-prompt -p "send pane to:"  "join-pane -t '%%'"

The above can move panes between existing windows.

For breaking a pane to a new window, use break-pane (which can also be bound).

Alterative Use

All three commands can be used from the tmux's prompt like: <prefix>+: then break-pane
Or at the shell's prompt (inside tmux) with: tmux break-pane.

From the commands list, you can see that it's called break-pane and the command is just

bind-key !

where bind-key is defaulted to Ctrl+B

In the latest version of tmux, installed from homebrew on OSx - 1.9a - the default key-binding implements join-pane with a menu

bind-key          S choose-window "join-pane -v -s "%%""
bind-key          V choose-window "join-pane -h -s "%%""

