multicolumn long table or enumeration

It's possible to trick supertabular to work inside a multicols environment by redefining \newpage to be \columnbreak in the first column and \newpage in the second. I also needed to stick a height 0, width \linewidth rule at the bottom of the first column. Strange things happen without it.

        \advance\n by1
                \hfill T\hfill\hfill F\hfill\hskip0pt\endgraf
                \hrule height3ex
                \hrule width\linewidth height0pt
\tablehead{Item \#&\\}

I'm not actually sure that this is the best way to generate the body, but it works. enter image description here

What follows is a very crude solution to your main problem (lining up the rows properly): Use a tabbing environment. IIRC, there's no easy way to center the contents of a tabbing "cell", but column/page breaks inside a tabbing environment are permitted. The trick is to use \\* to forbid breaks after certain rows.




\def\stnum{30} % number of items



\rule{0.7in}{1pt} \= \rule{0.7in}{1pt} \= \rule{0.7in}{1pt} \kill
  \themytabbing  \> T \> F \\* % "\\" would produce an incorrect column break
  \> {\color{black!20}\rule{1.4in}{2.8ex}} \\
