Multiple alignment

Multiple alignment points with no gap between expressions is obtained using the alignat environment from amsmath. The following MWE illustrates that:

enter image description here




  &[x \mapsto s]x &&= s && \\
  &[x \mapsto s]y &&= y \qquad &&\text{als } y\neq x \\
  &[x \mapsto s](\lambda(y)t_1) &&= \lambda(y)[x \mapsto s]t_1 \qquad &&\text{als } y \neq x \text{ en   } y \not \in FV(s) \\
  &[x \mapsto s](t_1 \; t_2)&&= ([x \mapsto s]t_1)\;([x \mapsto s]t_2) &&


I've taken the liberty to convert the unknown \la{<arg>} macro to \lambda(<arg>).

Consider reading Herbert's mathmode document. It illustrates the various "alignment environments" of amsmath clearly. Specifically, see section 25 align environments, p 43 onward.

using just align would be done like this:

  [x \mapsto s]x &= s \\
  [x \mapsto s]y &= y &&\text{als } y\neq x \\
  [x \mapsto s](\lambda(y)t_1) &= \lambda(y)[x \mapsto s]t_1 &&\text{als } y \neq x \text{ en   } y \not \in FV(s) \\
  [x \mapsto s](t_1 \; t_2) &= (x \mapsto s]t_1)\;([x \mapsto s]t_2)

this gives the following result:

display with multiple alignment points

