Multiple alignments

You could use alignat which is also from the amsmath package.

enter image description here




  f(x)&=eqn1                    &&   \\  
      &=eqn2_part1              && +eqn2_part2 \\   
      &                         && +eqn2_part3\\  
      &=eqn3                    &&   \\   
      &=eqn4                    &&   \\  


You'll notice that the alignat environment takes an argument- which is (quoting from the documentation)

the number of “equation columns”: count the maximum number of &s in any row, add 1 and divide by 2.

Using boxes via \phantom is also an option, if alignment characters like && get in the way for long equations:

enter image description here


A correction for the spacing around binary operators ({}+) and relations ({}=) is required though. See Herbert's mathmode document for more on AMS environments and alignment.