multiple bash traps for the same signal


About the best you could do is run multiple commands from a single trap for a given signal, but you cannot have multiple concurrent traps for a single signal. For example:

$ trap "rm -f /tmp/xyz; exit 1" 2
$ trap
trap -- 'rm -f /tmp/xyz; exit 1' INT
$ trap 2
$ trap

The first line sets a trap on signal 2 (SIGINT). The second line prints the current traps — you would have to capture the standard output from this and parse it for the signal you want. Then, you can add your code to what was already there — noting that the prior code will most probably include an 'exit' operation. The third invocation of trap clears the trap on 2/INT. The last one shows that there are no traps outstanding.

You can also use trap -p INT or trap -p 2 to print the trap for a specific signal.


It appears that I misread the question. The answer is simple:

handler1 () { do_something; }
handler2 () { do_something_else; }
handler3 () { handler1; handler2; }

trap handler3 SIGNAL1 SIGNAL2 ...


Just list multiple signals at the end of the command:

trap function-name SIGNAL1 SIGNAL2 SIGNAL3 ...

You can find the function associated with a particular signal using trap -p:

trap -p SIGINT

Note that it lists each signal separately even if they're handled by the same function.

You can add an additional signal given a known one by doing this:

eval "$(trap -p SIGUSR1) SIGUSR2"

This works even if there are other additional signals being processed by the same function. In other words, let's say a function was already handling three signals - you could add two more just by referring to one existing one and appending two more (where only one is shown above just inside the closing quotes).

If you're using Bash >= 3.2, you can do something like this to extract the function given a signal. Note that it's not completely robust because other single quotes could appear.

[[ $(trap -p SIGUSR1) =~ trap\ --\ \'([^\047]*)\'.* ]]

Then you could rebuild your trap command from scratch if you needed to using the function name, etc.

Technically you can't set multiple traps for the same signal, but you can add to an existing trap:

  1. Fetch the existing trap code using trap -p
  2. Add your command, separated by a semicolon or newline
  3. Set the trap to the result of #2

Here is a bash function that does the above:

# note: printf is used instead of echo to avoid backslash
# processing and to properly handle values that begin with a '-'.

log() { printf '%s\n' "$*"; }
error() { log "ERROR: $*" >&2; }
fatal() { error "$@"; exit 1; }

# appends a command to a trap
# - 1st arg:  code to add
# - remaining args:  names of traps to modify
trap_add() {
    trap_add_cmd=$1; shift || fatal "${FUNCNAME} usage error"
    for trap_add_name in "$@"; do
        trap -- "$(
            # helper fn to get existing trap command from output
            # of trap -p
            extract_trap_cmd() { printf '%s\n' "$3"; }
            # print existing trap command with newline
            eval "extract_trap_cmd $(trap -p "${trap_add_name}")"
            # print the new trap command
            printf '%s\n' "${trap_add_cmd}"
        )" "${trap_add_name}" \
            || fatal "unable to add to trap ${trap_add_name}"
# set the trace attribute for the above function.  this is
# required to modify DEBUG or RETURN traps because functions don't
# inherit them unless the trace attribute is set
declare -f -t trap_add

Example usage:

trap_add 'echo "in trap DEBUG"' DEBUG



Bash Trap