Multiple inputs and outputs in python subprocess communicate

Whenever you want to send input to the process, use proc.stdin.write(). Whenever you want to get output from the process, use Both stdin and stdout arguments to the constructor need to be set to PIPE.

Popen.communicate() is a helper method that does a one-time write of data to stdin and creates threads to pull data from stdout and stderr. It closes stdin when its done writing data and reads stdout and stderr until those pipes close. You can't do a second communicate because the child has already exited by the time it returns.

An interactive session with a child process is quite a bit more complicated.

One problem is whether the child process even recognizes that it should be interactive. In the C libraries that most command line programs use for interaction, programs run from terminals (e.g., a linux console or "pty" pseudo-terminal) are interactive and flush their output frequently, but those run from other programs via PIPES are non-interactive and flush their output infrequently.

Another is how you should read and process stdout and stderr without deadlocking. For instance, if you block reading stdout, but stderr fills its pipe, the child will halt and you are stuck. You can use threads to pull both into internal buffers.

Yet another is how you deal with a child that exits unexpectedly.

For "unixy" systems like linux and OSX, the pexpect module is written to handle the complexities of an interactive child process. For Windows, there is no good tool that I know of to do it.

HFST has Python bindings:

Using those should avoid the whole flushing issue, and will give you a cleaner API to work with than parsing the string output from pexpect.

From the Python REPL, you can get some doc's on the bindings with


or read

Snatching the relevant parts of the docs:

istr = hfst.HfstInputStream('hfst-lookup analyser-gt-desc.hfstol')
transducers = []
while not (istr.is_eof()):
print("Read %i transducers in total." % len(transducers))
if len(transducers) == 1:
  out = transducers[0].lookup_optimize("слово")
  print("got %s" % (out,))
  pass # or handle >1 fst in the file, though I'm guessing you don't use that feature

This answer should be attributed to @J.F.Sebastian. Thanks for the comments!

The following code got my expected behavior:

import pexpect

analyzer = pexpect.spawn('hfst-lookup analyser-gt-desc.hfstol', encoding='utf-8')
analyzer.expect('> ')

for word in ['слово', 'сработай']:
    print('Trying', word, '...')
    analyzer.expect('> ')