Multiple lines in a cell of a table

Try using a p column with \par to indicate line breaks.

\begin{tabular}{ | c | p{2cm} | }  
  \includegraphics[scale=0.45]{../0_1.eps} & 1.10\par 2.20\par 3.30\par 4.40 \\  


\def\baselinestretch {}\selectfont %
% \baselineskip = 14.4pt\relax %% Uncomment this if the result is not compact.
\begin{tabular}{ | c | p{2cm} | }   
  $\vcenter{\hbox{\includegraphics[scale=0.45]{../0_1.eps}}$ & 
    $\vcenter{\strut 1.10\par 2.20\par 3.30\par 4.40\strut}$ \\   

You can use mathmode in the last cell: ${1.10 \atop 2.20 } \atop {3.30 \atop 4.40}$.

That will be nice and small...

If you want it bigger, cf. Typesetting fraction terms to be larger in an equation.

