multiple (my and 3rd-party) native libraries in Android NDK

The NDK allows for linking with prebuilt user libraries, using the PREBUILT_SHARED_LIBRARY variable.

Assuming that the library you need to link is, create a libs folder in jni subfolder of the project folder:

mkdir -p jni/libs
cp jni/libs

Then, just create a jni/libs/ file:

LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)

include $(CLEAR_VARS)
LOCAL_MODULE := random

You can create a section for each prebuilt library, all placed in jni/libs.

Next, you just need to include the above file into your jni/ to get things to work. In the NDK docs, it is recommended that this be done at the end of the, rather than the middle:

include $(LOCAL_PATH)/libs/

However, you'll need to do this before the module that requires this library.

For linking, you'll need to add the following into the module section that links to the prebuilt library.


Then when you do ndk-build, it will copy this library into libs/armeabi/ before building the module, and you're good to go.

Note: This does not solve problems with required headers. You'll still need to add the location of the headers for the library into the variable LOCAL_C_INCLUDES in the module that requires it.

This is what I have done for the moment. I will not accept (in stackoverflow sense) my own (this) answer beause it is unsatisfactory.

I have created a new project and copied all java files there. Then, I copied the .so library from the old project and the 3rd party library into libs/armeabi.

That's monstrous. But it works. For the moment. The worst thing is that the version control is torpedoed.