Multiple React components in a single module

You can do like this, with an index.js file into your /components/ folder


import Users from './Users/Users';
import User from './Users/User';

module.exports = {


import { Users, User } from './components';

As you can see, I named my file index.js, it prevent me from write it in the import declaration. If you want to name your file with another name than index.js, you'd have to write the name of the file in the import, Node won't guess it ! ^^

I have put multiple components in one file and export the object like you suggested.

module.exports = {
    comp1: Component1,
    comp2: Component2

Then where they are used do

var comp1 = require('your/path/to/components').comp1;
var comp2 = require('your/path/to/components').comp2;