Multiply Quaternions

Python (83)

r=lambda A,B,R=range(4):[sum(A[m]*B[m^p]*(-1)**(14672>>p+4*m)for m in R)for p in R]

Takes two lists A,B in [1,i,j,k] order and returns a result in the same format.

The key idea is that with [1,i,j,k] corresponding to indices [0,1,2,3], you get the product's index (up to sign) by XOR'ing the indices. So, the terms that get placed in index p are those who indices XOR to p, and are thus the products A[m]*B[m^p].

It only remains to make the signs work out. The shortest way I found was to simply code them into a magic string. The 16 possibilities for (m,p) are turned into numbers 0 to 15 as p+4*m. The number 14672 in binary has 1's at the places where -1 signs are needed. By shifting it the appropriate number of places , a 1 or 0 winds up at the last digit, making the number odd or even, and so (-1)** is either 1 or -1 as needed.

CJam, 49 45 39 bytes


The above uses caret and M notation, since the code contains unprintable characters.

At the cost of two additional bytes, those characters can be avoided:

6Z9C8 7YDXE4BFA5U]q~m*f{=:*}4/{:-W*}/W*]`

You can try this version online: CJam interpreter

Test cases

To calculate (a + bi + cj + dk) * (e + fi + gj + hk), use the following input:

[ d c b a ] [ h g f e ]

The output will be

[ z y x w ]

which corresponds to the quaternion w + xi + yj + zk.

$ base64 -d > product.cjam <<< ImOchy0eS/pQIjI1NmJHYnF+bSpmez06Kn00L3s6LVcqfS9XKl1g
$ wc -c product.cjam
39 product.cjam
$ LANG=en_US cjam product.cjam <<< "[23 -2 54 12] [-2 6 4 1]"; echo
[331 270 -32 -146]
$ LANG=en_US cjam product.cjam <<< "[-2 6 4 1] [23 -2 54 12]"; echo
[-333 -130 236 -146]
$ LANG=en_US cjam product.cjam <<< "[0 -0.24 4.6 3.5] [-12 -4.3 -3 2.1]"; echo
[-62.5 39.646 2.04 20.118]

How it works

6Z9C8 7YDXE4BFA5U]  " Push the array [ 6 3 9 12 8 7 2 13 1 14 4 11 15 10 5 0].         ";
q~                  " Read from STDIN and interpret the input.                         ";
m*                  " Compute the cartesian product of the input arrays.               ";
f                   " Execute the following for each element of the first array:       ";
{                   " Push the cartesian product (implicit).                           ";
    =               " Retrieve the corresponding pair of coefficients.                 ";
    :*              " Calculate their product.                                         ";
}                   "                                                                  ";
4/                  " Split into chunks of 4 elements.                                 ";
{:-W*}/             " For each, subtract the first element from the sum of the others. ";
W*                  " Multiply the last integers (coefficient of 1) by -1.             ";
]`                  " Collect the results into an array and stringify it.              ";

Python - 90 75 72 69

Pure Python, no libraries - 90:

m=lambda a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h:[a*e-b*f-c*g-d*h,a*f+b*e+c*h-d*g,a*g-b*h+c*e+d*f,a*h+b*g-c*f+d*e]

It's probably pretty hard to shorten this "default" solution in Python. But I'm very curious as to what other might come up with. :)

Using NumPy - 75 72 69:

Well, since the input and output are rather flexible, we can use some NumPy functions and exploit the scalar-vector representation:

import numpy
m=lambda s,p,t,q:[s*t-sum(p*q),s*q+t*p+numpy.cross(p,q)]

Input arguments s and t are the scalar parts of the two quaternions (the real parts) and p and q are the corresponding vector parts (the imaginary units). Output is a list containing scalar part and vector part of the resulting quaternion, the latter being represented as NumPy array.

Simple test script:

for i in range(5):
    s,p,t,q=a, np.array([b, c, d]), e, np.array([f, g, h])
    print mult(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h), "\n", m(s,p,t,q)

(mult(...) being the OP's reference implementation.)


[1.1564241702553644, 0.51859264077125156, 2.5839001110572792, 1.2010364098925583] 
[1.1564241702553644, array([ 0.51859264,  2.58390011,  1.20103641])]
[-1.8892934508324888, 1.5690229769129256, 3.5520713781125863, 1.455726589916204] 
[-1.889293450832489, array([ 1.56902298,  3.55207138,  1.45572659])]
[-0.72875976923685226, -0.69631848934167684, 0.77897519489219036, 1.4024428845608419] 
[-0.72875976923685226, array([-0.69631849,  0.77897519,  1.40244288])]
[-0.83690812141836401, -6.5476014589535243, 0.29693969165495304, 1.7810682337361325] 
[-0.8369081214183639, array([-6.54760146,  0.29693969,  1.78106823])]
[-1.1284033842268242, 1.4038096725834259, -0.12599103441714574, -0.5233468317643214] 
[-1.1284033842268244, array([ 1.40380967, -0.12599103, -0.52334683])]