MVC Controller Using Response Stream

Try returning one the FileResults:

Also see this example:

I have found one possible solution to this problem. You can simply define the action method to return an EmptyResult() and write directly to the response stream. For example:

public ActionResult RobotsText() {
    Response.ContentType = "text/plain";
    Response.Write("User-agent: *\r\nAllow: /");
    return new EmptyResult();

This seems to work without any problems. Not sure how 'MVC' it is...

I spent some time on the similar problem yesterday, and here's how to do it right way:

public ActionResult CreateReport()
    var reportData = MyGetDataFunction();
    var serverPipe = new AnonymousPipeServerStream(PipeDirection.Out);
    Task.Run(() => 
        using (serverPipe)
             MyWriteDataToFile(reportData, serverPipe)

    var clientPipe = new AnonymousPipeClientStream(PipeDirection.In,
    return new FileStreamResult(clientPipe, "text/csv");