MVVM Design Pattern in Flutter

I have been using this plugin maintaining large scale application for flutter.mvvm_flutter

it's very light and easy to use check some example . its very easy to maintain ui away from business logic's

That's not the proper approach. You shouldn't split State<T> and it's build method. The thing is, don't extend widgets. Compose them.

A correct way to achieve something similar is to use InheritedWidget. These will hold you data but do nothing else. And it's children will be able to request those datas using a MyInherited.of(context).

You could also create a builder. Something like :

typedef Widget MyStateBuilder(BuildContext context, MyStateState state);

class MyState extends StatefulWidget {
  final MyStateState builder;

  const MyState({this.builder}) : assert(builder != null);

  MyStateState createState() => new MyStateState();

class MyStateState extends State<MyState> {
  String name;

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return widget.builder(context, this);

I suggest moving your ViewModel code into a separate class that does not extend State. Keep the ViewModel platform independent. Your Widgets state can have an instance of the viewModel and interact with it.

You can find a more detailed example here

If child Widgets need to access your ViewModel you can use a Inherited Widget as suggested by @Rémi Rousselet. I quickly implemented this for you:

class ViewModelProvider extends InheritedWidget {
  final ViewModel viewModel;

  ViewModelProvider({Key key, @required this.viewModel, Widget child}) 
  : super(key: key, child: child);

  bool updateShouldNotify(InheritedWidget oldWidget) => true;

  static ViewModel of(BuildContext context) =>
      (context.inheritFromWidgetOfExactType(ViewModelProvider) as 

Child widgets can grab the ViewModel by calling

var viewModel = ViewModelProvider.of(context);

Let me know if you have any questions :)