My default browser is set to Firefox but links open with Chromium
I'm going to guess the following
- all of those tools use XdgUtils
- if you type
it'll open with Chromium - and that you have the problem described in this Ubuntu forumspost
So my suggested answer is:
$ xdg-mime default firefox.desktop x-scheme-handler/http
(and ditto for https)
I needed to add this:
sudo update-alternatives --config x-www-browser
And choose Firefox as default browser. Only after that it was working. The change:
xdg-mime default Firefox.desktop x-scheme-handler/http
didn't work itself. After adding both — it is working just fine.
gvfs-mime --set x-scheme-handler/http <whatever chrome is>.desktop
gvfs-mime --set x-scheme-handler/https <whatever chrome is>.desktop