My first AVR C program- LED not blinking

int main(void)
    clock_prescale_set(clock_div_128); //set the clock to use the 8MHz internal clock divided by 128 for an internal frequency of 250KHz, consumes 0.4mA while not sleeping.

    while (1) 
        PORTD4 == 1;//Set pin 13 of the micro to high.
        PORTD4 == 0;//Set pin 13 of the micro to low;

The problem is how you "set" the port, you are using == which is a comparison operator, not an assignment. Try just using =.

void main()
    DDRD = 0xFF;         //PD as output
    PORTD= 0x00;         //keep all LEDs off

        PORTD &= 0b11110111;       //turn LED off
        _delay_ms(500);   //wait for half second
        PORTD |= 0b00001000;       //turn LED on 
        _delay_ms(500);   //wait for half second

You may also have to set the direction of the port somewhere. You would do this by setting the DDRD to be 0b00001000, which should set Pin 4 of Port D to an output.

Three problems:

  1. If you're delay.h, you need to define the CPU speed. #define F_CPU 8000000UL in your case.
  2. Port D needs to be set as an output by setting bit 4 in the DDRD register, typically before the superloop. DDRD = 0b00010000
  3. PORTD4 is not how you access that port pin. You would use PORTD, similarly to how I demonstrated the DDRD register above. Personally, I would rewrite your superloop to:

    while (1) 
        PORTD ^= 0b00010000;



