Mysql Bigint VS Varchar
is always 8 bytes, VARCHAR(15)
is 1..16 bytes depending on value length, so BIGINT
needs less memory on large numbers, but more memory on small numbers (shorter than 7 digits). Also, BIGINT is faster.
We have run test in simulation environment.
- Created able with 1 BIGINT and 1VARCHAR parameter.
- Inserted 30Lac rows.
- created index on both fields.
- Result is : BIGINT respond almost 20time's faster than VARCHAR.
Here is script to perform above steps:
Create table r5(mob bigint,m_mob varchar(30));
Create index i_d on r5(mob,m_mob);
do $$
for i in 1..3000000 loop
insert into r5(mob,m_mob) values(i,i||’abc’);
end loop;
end; $$
select * from r5
where mob=2900000;
select * from r5
where m_mob=’2900000abc’;