MySQL failed to restart on Ubuntu 16.04
Fatal Error:
MYQL is failing to start because as the Journalctl output indicates, but you haven't provided the mandatory server-id.
Add the mandatory id as indicated in the code below.
Change from:
binlog-format = 'ROW'
Change to:
binlog-format = 'ROW'
This will get your server running while you address the proper formatting of your desired logging.
non-fatal warnings:
For the open files limit of your error you will have to either decrease the demand in the configuration you edited or increase the system's limits with:
* soft nofile [new number]
* hard nofile [new number]
The first column describes WHO the limit is to apply for. '' is a wildcard, meaning all users. To raise the limits for root, you have to explicitly enter 'root' instead of ''.
Taken from:
Got the same error, but in my case simply the disk was full. Make also sure to check this.
df -h --total