mysql giving deprecated warning
I got the error while using pymysql library in a flask setup. Downgrading to mysql 5.6 works but maybe not the best solution.
From MySQL 5.7.20 onwards you should changeover to using transaction_isolation. In documentation it states:
Prior to MySQL 5.7.20, use tx_isolation rather than transaction_isolation.
Deprecated 5.7.20
System Variable Name tx_isolation
Command-Line Format --transaction-isolation=name
System Variable (>= 5.7.20) Name transaction_isolation
Instead of relying on the old variable, start using the new variable, as in the examples provided by the documentation
SELECT @@GLOBAL.transaction_isolation, @@transaction_isolation;
SET GLOBAL transaction_isolation='REPEATABLE-READ';
SET SESSION transaction_isolation='SERIALIZABLE';
You will have to search through your code to identify where the deprecated variable has been used, and substitute it with the new variable/syntax.
The problem is resolved in SQLAlchemy, released as a part of version 1.2.0, backported to 1.1.15 and it was rolled out 2017-11-03. By upgrading SQLAlchemy to 1.1.15 the warning disappears.
pip install sqlalchemy>=1.1.15