MySQL password() function to PHP

If I understand you correctly there is no need to reproduce PASSWORD() in php do all your validation in one go on mysql side using PASSWORD() in your select like this

SELECT `username`,`password`,`id`,`disable_until`,`active` 
  FROM `[x]users`
 WHERE `username` = 'user1' 
   AND `password` = PASSWORD('password')

Here is SQLFiddle demo

Unless you use case sensitive collation don't use LCASE() on username column in your statements. It prevents MySql from using an index (indices) if any is defined on that column and cause a full scan on the table.

On a side note: your code is vulnerable to sql-injections. Consider to use prepared statements.

OP asked how to do this in php. This is how to do it in php:

function sqlPassword($input) {
    $pass = strtoupper(
                    sha1($input, true)
    $pass = '*' . $pass;
    return $pass;

Added for posterity (No reason you would use this, use it if mysql decides to deprecate the PASSWORD function?, for informative purposes only) the mysql equivalent of the php equivalent

    CONCAT('*', SHA1(UNHEX(SHA1('password'))))

Also see MySQL Hashing Function Implementation

Copy-paste from a password encoder interface for a Symfony2 app I wrote that migrated from an old system using the MySQL PASSWORD function:

function mysqlPassword($raw) {
    return '*'.strtoupper(hash('sha1',pack('H*',hash('sha1', $raw))));


