\nameref -- How to display section name AND its number

How about defining a new command \fullref:


% Original definition
% \newcommand\fullref[1]{\autoref{#1} \nameref{#1}} % Two links

% Updated definition, see explanation below
\newcommand*{\fullref}[1]{\hyperref[{#1}]{\autoref*{#1} \nameref*{#1}}} % One single link


\section{First Section}

\subsection*{Unnumbered subsection}


As we defined in \fullref{sec:some_sec}, yada yada yada, see \fullref{sec:subsec}


enter image description here


The \fullref defined above produces two links, one by \autoref, the other by \nameref. Heiko Oberdiek suggests the following definition that combines the two into one single link:

\newcommand*{\fullref}[1]{\hyperref[{#1}]{\autoref*{#1} \nameref*{#1}}}

Starting with @herr-k 's answer, I went a step farther and defined four (4) new commands: \secref, \subsecref, \subsubsecref, and \parref.

\newcommand*{\secref}[1]{\hyperref[{#1}]{Specification \thesection, \nameref*{#1}}}
\newcommand*{\subsecref}[1]{\hyperref[{#1}]{Section \thesubsection, \nameref*{#1}}}
\newcommand*{\subsubsecref}[1]{\hyperref[{#1}]{Section \thesubsubsection, \nameref*{#1}}}
\newcommand*{\parref}[1]{\hyperref[{#1}]{Section \theparagraph, \nameref*{#1}}}

Doing so allows me to customize how the hyperlink text displays for each level of my document. In my case, There's not a difference between the \subsecref, \subsubsecref, and \parref other than the number that displays (e.g. 1.1 vs 1.1.1 vs 1.1.1.A), but one can change these commands to suit their needs.